Welcome to The Positivity Boot Camp

This five-step online course is designed to empower you, equipping you with tools and strategies to reclaim control over anxious thoughts and restore a sense of positivity in your life.

Scroll down to watch the first video for FREE

**You're a busy-brained woman who struggles with spells of anxiety/stress /worry/ or negativity

**You struggle to switch off your racing thoughts

**You’re tired of overthinking taking you to places you don’t need to go

**You are high functioning, (e.g. achieving a lot in your day-to-day life) but secretly battling with anxious thoughts.

**You worry about what might go wrong even when things are going right.

**You feel like your health is suffering because of your busy mind.

**You want to be able to actually relax, feel calmer enjoy your life fully.

This might show up for you as:


*Constant worry


*Intrusive thoughts

*Overthinking everything


*Social anxiety

This course is for you if you can relate to two or more of the following symptoms:

During this online course, you will learn:

  • What anxiety/ worry and stress actually is, why it develops and what you can do about it.

  • What your personal anxiety pattern is and how to change it.

  • The 3 things you need in balance to prevent your anxiety monster from visiting.

  • Practical tools and techniques to help you create your own positivity tool kit.

At the end of this course you will: 

  • Understand your own pattern. Why do what you do what you do and how to stop it!

  • Be able to implement techniques quickly and easily.

  • Come away with a personalized positivity tool kit that you have created based on your individual needs.

Watch session 1 of the course for free

The 3 things you need in balance to ditch anxious thoughts so you can boost your mind for positivity!


One time

Join my five-step online course, designed to empower you, equipping you with tools and strategies to reclaim control over stress and restore a sense of positivity in your life.